The types of font used in this are both serif and sans serif font. The headings “Regular” and “Kingsize” are written in sans serif font whereas the rest of the text is written in serif font. Most of the text is in capitals to make it stand out on the page.
This is an unusual contents page as a lot of music magazine contents pages just cover one page but this is a double page spread. On the verso they have just one image but they have a large banner down the side of the page, which tells you what you can find in the magazine. It also tells you what usually comes in the magazine. On the recto, they have lot of images and they have page numbers of what is new and big in this issue.
The colours of this contents page are very typical of this genre of magazine. They use black and white and use a very strong red to bring out the colour. These colours appeal to their target audience.
The image on the verso is a picture from a live gig. This indicates that there might be review of this gig inside the magazine. This can attract some readers as they may buy magazines for this particular reason. The rest are on the recto which are just pictures of bands, artists and various other things. This suggests that there is just recent band/artist news inside the magazine.
Mode of address
This contents page is informal with its usage of words such as, “kingsize”. You could probably tell from looking at the title that this is a very informal magazine as it is informal in itself with the backwards “E” and the type of font.
The font style in this contents page is sans serif as it gives the magazine a modern feel. They also use various different font sizes. This is to emphasis on the bigger stories, the bigger the story, the bigger the font. Most of the font is in capitals, which suggests that there is a lot going on the magazine and that it is must-buy issue.
The layout of this contents page is very cluttered as it has a lot of images in the centre of the page and a lot of text down the sides of the page. This is to show that there is lot read and a lot going on in this magazine. They have separated the articles into different categories such as, news; studio news; reviews etc. This makes it easier for the reader to find something if they looking for something in particular. They have banner at the bottom of the page, which signifies a competition within the magazine.
The colours on this magazine colour are neutral in terms of the green, yellow and red. This is so it attracts both genders and a range of age groups. These colours also contrast really well so it makes the page easier to read.
All the images are in the centre of the page and are all part of the main story. They all have the same colour scheme and also blend in with the articles colours.
Mode of address
The mode of address is quite informal as it doesn’t necessarily use slang but it uses punctuation like exclamation marks to make it sound exciting and make you want to buy it.
In this contents page they use both serif and sans serif font. This is because this type of magazine includes old and news bands and serif fonts tend to look old fashioned and sans serif fonts are quite modern looking. They also use a range of different font sizes to exaggerate different articles in the magazine. The biggest article is in the biggest font and stands out more so it appeals to the reader.
Most of this page is taken up by the images related to the main article in the magazine. The rest of the page is text which is on the right hand side of the page. They have included more images than text to show that they main story is very interesting and makes this magazine a must buy.
The colour scheme of this contents page is what you would expect from a Kerrang magazine. Their main colours usually consist of yellow black and white and this is what this contents page’s is. This is a very good colour scheme as rock artists usually wear black and white clothes so this magazine wants to use them colours but they want another colour which contrasts with these colours and also looks bright to attract the reader, in Kerrangs case, they have used yellow.
Most of the images on this contents page are related to the main story in this magazine. This is to show that it is the main article and what the article is about. Most of the images are of bands and artist and a long shot or a mid-shot is used for most of them. They all have some sort of colour which attracts the reader to the magazine.
Mode of address
The mode of address in this magazine is very informal as it uses swear words and the punctuation makes it informal as it gives the impr