Friday, 10 February 2012

Double page spread analysis - NME

In this double page spread of NME; they have used both sans serif font and serif font. The sans serif font gives the pages more of a modern feel as it is a new band, whereas the serif font gives it an old fashioned feel. This is so that the article appeals to all age groups. In the main article, they have used to a kicker to catch the eye of the reader. The title ‘The Teenagers’ is written in block capitals to also draw more attention to the article and also emphasise that the article is all about them.

This is a very traditional layout for a double page spread in a music magazine. On the verso they have a picture of the band The Teenagers as it relates to the main article on the Recto. Unlike other magazines, they have included two sections to the article, one about the main band, and another about other new bands and what the fans responses are. They have done this because most readers buy magazines to look out for upcoming bands and also what the fans think to them. In the main article they have used a pull quote. This is so that the main article stands out more and also draws the reader to that particular part in the article.

NME have changed from their house colours to give the magazine an informal effect. If the magazine was the same colour throughout, it would not appeal to their target audience and would look boring. The use of the light blue gives it more modern feel which relates to the band as they are a new band. The colours on this double page spread also contrast very well which makes the text easy to read.

The whole verso is taken up by one large image of the band The Teenagers to emphasise that the article is mainly about them. In the picture, they have taken a high angle shot of the band and there are posters on the wall behind to show what kind of genre of band they are. The posters and they way they are laying on the bed relate to their name as it is a bedroom that a teenager is likely to have.

Mode of address
The mode of address in this double page spread is informal. This indicated in the colour scheme as it is very modern. The title of the article is written in large block capitals which gives you the impression that it is in your face. The target audience for this type of magazine is teenagers/ young adults and most teenagers/ young adults prefer to read more informal articles as it appeals to them more.

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